Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just a Thinking about the Boston Mountains and Dreaming

It is time for some Mountain time up in the Boston mountains, time for thoughts and few humans with their inputs and advise about things they know little about. I am ready to find a lonely tree to keep company with and a mountain stream to listen to it's music.

I would like to hear the rumble of thunder across the mountain tops and the sound of rain on the tin roof of a simple cabin. The wildlife roaming in the mornings while I consume my "jo" on a front porch, and the sounds of the owl at bedtime. These wishes are simple but so hard to obtain in this fast and furious world we have created. We chase the green paper and the demands of people we do not know or care to be friends with. We glue our face to the tube to hear the latest gloom and doom from a government that no longer is of the people and for the people.

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