Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Photos; Wildlife, Summer Tanager, Blue Martins at Pond Creek, Arkansas

Monday I traveled north to Pond Creek Wildlife Management Area for some "Wildlife Time" with my camera. Early in the morning the temperature was nice, however we experienced our first ninety- plus day. The recent rains here and up north in Oklahoma had the two rivers (The Skull Crusher and the Little River) out of bank and rolling. This put a damper on the gator photography and most of the other wildlife. However, it was a fair day for photographing "Wild thangs". We viewed many deer and one doe with a newborn  nursing, it was too far for a good shot and we did not want to stress mom any more than she already was.
We have our lunch on a high bluff over looking the Little River on "Yellow Bluff". On this day the water was almost to the top of the bluff. While we were resting after lunch (napping) the Blue Martins put on a show for us and I practiced on shots in motion. Shortly afterwards we found a Summer Tanager, a rare find for me.
It was a great day for owls and hawks also, most of all it was nice to be in solitude with nature. We experienced the company of only two souls the entire day and they were moving through the area and in a hurry.
Red Slider---(Trachemys Scripta Elegans)

From:Yellow-bluff across to the slough

                                                   Blue Martin catching an insect

Beauty and the  Beast

Summer Tanager

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