Thursday, April 10, 2014

Just the Wind Blowing

I love spring, but not the wind! Wind is only good for flying Kites and I own no kites. The march winds are now in April and they have been for the past few years. Educated people say their is no climate change and want us to follow their thinking.All one needs to do is walk outside and watch what is going on in the outside world. One cannot see the changes from inside the four walls of their adobe. One reason Muir and his com padres knew so much about the seasons and nature was they spent their lives out in the natural surroundings, watching and learning.The outdoor world offers so much education if only we would look and listen. Some spend their time sitting in front of the tube watching wildlife shows and claim to be experts on the subject. A person needs to hear, smell and taste the wild to be in a position to expand on the subject.
With the wind blowing so hard today I noticed that the geese from the pond behind my house did not fly, they remained on the lake and I could hear their chatter all day. I noticed only one cardinal at the feeder and his stay was short.The weather has to warm considerably before we see hummingbirds, however, I am ready for their company. They seem to signal that flowers are blooming and the new generation of wildlife has arrived.
Yes, being in the outdoors is the place to be, fresh air, sounds of natural things and clean, clear thoughts.
Thank You God for nature and the wilds.

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